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World Water Day March 22 Concert for Clean Water for Hopi and Navajo

March 22 is World Water Day and we are hosting a virtual concert to raise funds and awareness for clean water for the Hopi and Navajo.

Join host Martha Childress and guests Nancy Rivard from Airline Ambassadors International, Leon McLaughlin from Clean Water Foundation of WA, and Carolyn White from Sedona Spotlight in their discussion about this grass-roots, vital mission .

Poisoned water is a major problem on the Hopi and Navajo Reservations, as 75% of the reservation is drinking tained water. Decades of negligent outside mining practices have polluted their aquifer. Their drinking water has twice the EPA limit of arsenic, along with hazardous levels of uranium and other toxic contaminants.

The virtual concert is free - click on this link to join at 6 PM PDT, March 22, 2022.

For the online auction, click here.

FLOW - for the Love of Water


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