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Smoothie with a Kick

Do I need the caffeine? Nooo. Do I need the spiritual support? Yeeees!

The cup of Joe in the morning is more a ritual to me than necessity. It's like a celebration of a new day. Especially on a cold wet winter morning, the aroma just gives the day a much-needed warm boost. But how about the summer?

I still like to get a cold boost, but not with all the sugar and fat loaded in many of the common cold coffee drinks.  Why not a home-made smoothie?! This recipe not only satisfies my craving, it also helps to count towards my daily required veggie servings. Enjoy it when you are catching up with the morning news or chatting with friends under the sun.



1 cup espresso strength coffee, made ahead of time and chilled

2 ripe bananas, peel and cut into 1 inch pieces

½ cup unsweetened soymilk - This can be substituted with milk of your choice. I used unsweetened soymilk because I don't want the drink to be too sweet. Bananas already come with its natural sweetness.

1 tsp vanilla

Preparation: Blend all ingredients together in the blender until smooth. Enjoy.


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